November 21, 2010

Idea Marketing logo using Illustrator

Hey guys.....
Here is a logo for a marketing company that I made using only illustrator.
It was very easy to make.I first drew the bulb with no fill and a chalk-like stroke....with the light rays & everything ;) Then I made the bulb the dot of the i in "idea". I made the letters of "idea" all in caps and a large font size. To link "idea" text style with the bulb style I gave it a stroke with the same chalk-like brush I used with the lamp.
As for the background, I made it bright yellow with radial gradient (yellow & white) with the gradient center in the middle of the bulb to give the effect of an illuminated bulb. That's all folks ;)
Hope you like it :)

November 7, 2010

Vogue magazine cover ft.Emma Watson using InDesign

This is my first print design to post!
Although I personally prefer illustrator, but when I learned turned out to be a very nice and neat program.
I always have this thing for organizing and layout, so when I started using Indesign I really loved making magazine covers. I loved the process of selecting the cover photo and selecting the suitable font type, color, size and layout of the text that matches the photo. And of course all this has to reflect the type of the magazine and the type of the magazine readers.
As for this cover, I used both indesign & illustrator. I first placed the picture and wrote the magazine's name in illustrator. I've always liked the effect where part of the magazine's name is hidden behind the person in the photo, and that's exactly what i did here. I put the text path in front of the picture path.I used the eraser tool to remove any part of the text that covers emma watson's figure. Just be careful when erasing so as not to remove text parts on the white background. And have patience.......;)
Then I saved this as a jpg file and imported it to indesign. I centered the file in the document. Then I started adding the magazine's topics! Have fun with the fonts and colors. I prefer sticking with one readable font and playing with the its style (bold or normal). I changed the characters spacing to stretch or shrink the text within the space given. As for the colors, choose matching colors (I prefer using 2 or 3 max.). You can use more than one color in a sentence, depending on the background color, to make sure the text is visible and readable.
Is this post long too!!! I think I beat the previous post :))))